Nature Sense
Connect to yourself in nature with a guided exploration through the senses to help ground, connect to the earth and the elements.
Enjoy opening to the beauty of nature through observation and a felt sense of being as we gently explore our natural environment.
I bring my expertise in somatic body therapy, mindfulness and herbal medicine into the outdoors, where our playground awaits us. Here we begin the journey of re-connecting to ourselves, discovering what brings us joy and feeling more alive.
It's like unblocking the pores of our skin to allow in more energy and light, and creating space to breathe more deeply.
When we give ourselves the opportunity to slow down and create spaciousness, we can find balance and steadiness within our busy lives. This connection to the earth becomes our platform from where we can release tension and fear, simply through breath and awareness of our body.
Book a Nature Sense experience Today
Call Marcia on 021 185 0396 to arrange a time for your Nature Sense experience.
Be led on a journey with your senses, like a child exploring a wonderland for the first time. Trust your body to show you who you are, and be curious of your response.
Be prepared to go barefoot for a while on this journey and face the elements. Recognize we are made up of all the elements - earth, fire, air and water. When we make that connection in our bodies, we allow everything to flow better - hormones, nerves, blood, lymph, cellular processes. We can thrive physically and feel better, be more clearer and rested.
Sometimes we'll meet resistance to opening our senses and going deeper into our bodies. Fear is there to protect us from feeling something that's perhaps uncomfortable or painful. So we tune into what's there, and recognize its part to play in our bodies. Then we simply be with that, like an attentive friend loving and accepting us just as we are.
We breathe and drop in to the felt sense of our body, connecting to the earth. Giving thanks.
Your Nature Sense experience
To book your Nature Sense experience call me on 021 185 0396 or email - [email protected]
to arrange a good time during the day, Tuesday to Saturday.
Our journey will begin at Fairfield House, on Van Diemen St, Nelson.
Bring warm clothing and comfortable walking shoes, water to drink.
Cost is $60 per person for 90 mins - one on one or in small groups
Wilderness Walks
Learn about wild herbs that can be used medicinally for good health. We will walk in natural areas looking at and identifying common herbs that are growing around us.
This can be incorporated into your Nature Sense experience or we can explore herbs separately.
Allow an hour to walk slowly and gather herbs along the way.
Cost per person or small group $60.
Bring a notepad and pen, collecting bag and wear comfortable shoes.
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